Planet Six Games

Planet Six Games is a company that publishes and creates new board games. It was founded in 2022. The founder is Naser Rizk, a conceptual designer, enthusiast, and lover of board games.

The company was founded with the aim of creating such board games that would have an ideal combination of theme and gameplay mechanisms, and also provide a fantastic gaming experience. It often happens that a game has fantastic design and weird mechanics, or vice versa.

Therefore, Planet Six Games is company oriented and designed to bring out the best of both worlds – easy, understandable, and logical mechanics that provide great satisfaction and a fantastic experience to the player with a wonderful design and performance.

Our vision, at Planet Six Games, is to create games for players and gaming, and thus a more beautiful world with fantastic fun and the experience of playing board games.
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Happy players
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Games played
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About the author

In a desire for a more beautiful and better world, I have been creating various board games since I was a child. Of course, it was on a child’s level then. I’ve always looked for games that are simple yet fun.

Fate directed me to the Faculty of Pharmacy in Zagreb (Croatia), where I graduated, but in my heart, I still remained an enthusiast and lover of board games. In my quest to find something for the family to do together at least once a week, board games turned out to be the best solution.

Even better than video games because all family members can participate at the same time. So I started creating new board games which only ignited a hidden passion in me for board games. It turned out that I unlocked something in me that I do with ease and love.
"You have to find what you love to do and only then will you be successful!"
Donald Trump

Creating a new game for me is as easy as a smile or a blink of an eye.

Honestly, I don’t even know where my ideas come from… They just “flow to me”.

I would often wake up at night and have a finished and complete mechanism and idea for a new game.

If got to the point where I had to stop that waterfall of ideas from deep to materialize one game at a time.

For me, a board game is above all socializing and fun, and I make games with love and great enthusiasm, so about 12 of them were created within 2 years.

As the number of games I designed grew, so did the idea of producing those games.

And that’s how Planet Six Games was born – a site and company dedicated to creating fantastic and fascinating new board games.